Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Research Question/ 5 Survey Questions

Does high school prepare students for college academically?
1. High school courses were challenging enough to prepare me for the difficulty of college coursework.
       a. Strongly agree
       b. Agree
       c. Disagree
       d. Strongly Disagree
2. I have to work a significant amount harder in college courses than I had to in high school in order to achieve sufficient grades.
      a. Strongly agree
      b. Agree
      c. Disagree
     d. Strongly disagree
3. I would have taken more challenging courses in high school if I knew what I know now about the expectations in college.
     a. Strongly agree
     b. Agree
     c. Disagree
     d. Strongly disagree
4. Do you believe that high school helped you gain the skills that you need in order to be successful in college in terms of study habits?
    a. Yes
    b. No
5. Do you believe that high school helped you gain the skills that you need in order to be successful in college in terms of note taking skills during lectures and discussions?
    a. Yes
    b. No
6. At the end of high school, I felt prepared to take on the difficulty of college course work.
     a. Strongly agree
     b. Agree
     c. Disagree
    d. Strongly disagree
7. What aspects would have helped you better prepare for college courses? (open ended)

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