Monday, September 28, 2015

Chipotle- Analysis of Print Advertisement

I am writing my speech about Chipotle. Chipotle is a mexican grill that is constantly making new advertisements to increase the sales of their burritos, tacos, and salads. Their advertisements can be found on billboards, magazines, newspapers, and their merchandise. Chipotle advertises on their bags and drink cups by writing long excerpts of customer reviews, or interesting stories. Because these advertisements are so unique, I find myself reading their advertisements every time I go to their restaurants. Advertisements found outside of one of their locations are typically short, but intriguing because of their infamous style. I chose one of the more informative advertisements about Chipotle. The message that it conveys really makes a point that Chipotle supports local farms, something very important when being compared to other restaurants that do not say where their food comes from. The poster also states that the meat in their food is raised without the use of hormones. This provides background information about the company to people that are unfamiliar with it. It also attracts almost everyone, because the concern to eat healthy has become an increasingly prevalent factor in today's society. Their advertisements not only encourage people to eat their food, but also make individuals confident in what they choose to eat, because they know exactly where their food comes from. Their advertisements are very casual and hand- drawn, making it appeal to readers because the restaurant seems more welcoming to everyone.

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